Saturday, October 10, 2009

Leap of faith

This DVD (Leap Frog Letter Factory )was recommended by a good friend of mine because it helped her 4 y/o recognize the alphabet within a week. I bought it right away and I was ready to be amazed by genius 2 yo's the next week.

Well over a month later we are finally almost there. They twins didn't learn in a week. They LOVED the video and asked to watch it more than once daily. The problem was, that this video teaches the letter and the sound. "P says Puh!" For a while when i asked them to name a letter they would just say sounds! It was hilarious and frustrating. (Mommy has no patience when it come to making them geniuses!)

But they are slowly getting it, they now almost recognize the whole alphabet (when then feel like it.) My coworkers say to stop pushing it and that they will learn on their own time. I know they are right, but i can't be blamed for trying to potty train before 2 , but that's a whole other post...


I was inspired to make this blog by my friend Gigi and the wife of a friend i love to read their posts about life and i have often learned a thing or two! My only problem is that i wonder how i will have time to do this. With daycare commutes, working fulltime, squeezing in the gym, bubble baths & bedtime stories & dancing in the kitchen with the twins...who knows . But it seems fun and worth a try. Maybe on the weekends....when there are no parties or errands...yeah right, lol.